Friday 15 June 2012

Snoopy was always a Dim Dog

Apologies for not blogging for a while but life has got in the way.

So the government has finally published it plans for monitoring our internet use.
The Communications Data Bill is also known as a snoopers charter.

This is of course the work of Theresa May our beloved Home Secretary who will now forever be known as  " Snoopy " on this blog.

Wondering what the goverment wants to monitor ? Answer everything !

Apparently  their is a real need to know every website you visit, every mail and message you send and receive, every telephone call you make and receive, including voip and skype calls. Add all you social media use as well. Play online games ? don’t worry there included too !

And just in case your a Luddite it includes the post as well.

Snoopy justifies this as a way of protecting us all from terrorists and as a way of helping the police to capture criminals.

Our civil liberties are protected of course because these huge databases are only accessed when there is a warrant issued.

Don’t worry about the security of these systems its not like there are hackers about ? Don’t worry about the ethics of the administrators of these databases because its not like people are interested in the secrets of others is it ? Of course we can trust the police and security services because they never get it wrong do they ?

Did I mention that these databases will be kept by private companies like BT, Virgin and Sky. Yes Sky ! Mr Murdoch will have a huge database on you !

Regardless of how this is implemented, it will NOT deliver on the extra protection it promises.

ANYBODY can circumvent these intrusive measures without too much effort. Criminals and terrorists will become ICT experts and achieve even better under the radar communications making their detection and capture more difficult not easier.

I will in due course blog on the steps anybody can take to avoid being monitored.

Everybody in the IT world is saying the same thing. Look here , here , here, here and here.

Government estimates  it will cost £1,800,000,000 to implement and we all know the success rate of government IT projects where costs are concerned.

Madness !

and I sign off today with the words " Vagina, Vagina, Vagina " and if you want to know why ! look here

More Madness !